As the salon is reopening, strict guidlines From State Board of Georgia for Cosmetology will be as followed.
I am beyond excited to see each of you again, but with that being said, your health and our team’s health is still top priority.
Please abide by the following measure is provided by state and local health officials when visiting Amber’s Salon Loft.
Please re-schedule your appointment if you are, or have been, exhibiting any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
First answer these four questions.And answer NO to the following to enter the salon.
1. Have you had a cough?
2. Have you had a fever?
3. have you been around any exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days?
4. Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?
When you enter the Salon.
Please do not enter the building before you have text or called that you are here. We are not wanting any one in the waiting room. Once you text or call that you have arrived, I will let you know when I am ready for you.
Wash your hands immediately upon entering.
Wear a mask is REQUIRED while entering the building and during your appointment. I kindly ask you to bring your own since I am working with limited supply.
I will be checking your temperature before we start any consultations or services. and I also will be checking my temperature before we start also.
Please do not bring any one with you as we can only safely have one person in the room at a time. I know with kids being out of school that will be hard but this is the safety for everyone.
I will not be providing any reading material since we can not truly keep them clean.
We are not allowed to provide snacks or drinks during your service.
I promise to:
Continue to use personal protective equipment during services.
Clean, Sanitize , and sterilize everything possible.
Limit our Capacity in my room
Stagger appointments to help with sanitation and hallway traffic
And if I’m not feeling well or experience any symptoms myself, I will stay home and notify every one.
Please Reach out if you have any questions or concerns!